Apollo the Caterpillar |
In our penultimate VBS day we learned that no matter what happens, we can trust in God!
In the morning we learned the verse for the day: "I am convinced that [nothing] will be able to separate us from the love of God." This passage (maybe familiar because it was featured in yesterday's post in the music paragraph) is from
Romans 8:38-39.
During the Bible story, we got to carry a real wooden cross as we learned about the crucifixion and the resurrection (
Matthew 27:32-
28:20). Jesus trusted in God even in the midst of his very real pain and questioning. We can do the very same!
Musically, we learned "We Can Trust Him" (track 10 or you can listen to a bit by
pressing the play button next to the tittle). This song, based on Psalm 33:43 reminds us that we
can trust in God and in God's works.
Due to Friday's busy clean up, there will be no blog. But check back next week for a final blog wrap-up piece.