Friday, November 11, 2011

"Between Heaven and Mirth": Jesus Probably Loved a Good Joke

Saints can be funny too
Fr. James Martin, SJ, culture editor of the weekly Jesuit magazine America and author of many books, has a new one out called "Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter Are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life."  Below is an excerpt from this book, perfect for a Friday in November:
"Accepting that you're not in control is a reason not only for humility — but also for more joy. You can work hard and leave the rest up to God. Pope John XXIII once said that when he woke up in the night, worried about the future of the church, he would relax by asking himself a question. 'Giovanni,' he would say to himself. 'Why are you so worried? Who is in charge of the church — you or the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit! So go back to sleep, Giovanni!' "

You are not God. And if you forget this, God will remind you. So we need to lighten up about life and ministries. Not that our work and family and religious lives are not important. But we're ultimately not the one who brings about results."
Fr. Martin was also recently on the Comedy Central show Colbert Report, answering questions about Between Heaven and Mirth, and showing the world that you can be joyful and humorous while being seriously faithful.  Embedded below (and linked here) is his interview with Stephen Colbert:

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