Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Holy Saturday

On Holy Saturday, the Church keeps vigil, as we wait for and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.

"Receive the Light of Christ," we tell one another at the Vigil
Where do I need Christ's light in my life?  Where do I need to shine light in my family, community, and world?

image credit: Lawrence OP on flickr

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Holy Week Services at St. Mark Catholic Church in Vienna, VA

Below is the Mass and service schedule for St. Mark Catholic Church in Vienna, VA for Holy Week 2012 (Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday).

Palm (Passion) Sunday, April 1
  • Mass Times: 8:00AM; 10:00AM; 12:00 noon
    The outdoor procession will take place at the noon Mass only, and will begin with the blessing of the palms in the Activities Center.
  • Parish Penance Service: 7:00PM
Holy Thursday, April 5
  • Mass of the Lord's Supper: 7:30PM
  • Adoration: post-Mass until midnight
Good Friday, April 6
  • Stations of the Cross: 12 noon
  • Celebration of the Lord's Passion: 3:00PM
  • Living Stations of the Cross: 7:30PM
Holy Saturday, April 7
  • Blessing of the Food: 12 noon
  • Easter Vigil: 8:30PM
Easter Sunday, April 8
  • Mass Times: 8:00AM; 10:00AM; 12:00 noon 
Note: Mass times on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday are a bit different for the early and late Mass: 8AM instead of 8:15AM and 12 noon instead of 11:45AM.