- Thursday until 10pm
- Friday after 6:15am Mass to 10pm
- Saturday from 8:00am to Benediction at 3:30pm.
What is Adoration?
Confused about what Adoration is and why we do it? Read this quote below, which is taken from a small book produced by Ligouri Press called In the Presence, by Sr. Joan Ridley, OSB (PDF).
When we sit in silence in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, we are being gazed upon by the Lord. Actually this is true every moment of our lives, but in church or chapel, we have intentionality in gazing at the Lord. That is why we are there. It is an experience of adoration. We do not have to be rationally aware of this reality. It does not depend on our mind so much as our heart... Adoration is our fundamental stance before God, the essential act of relating ourselves to the Absolute. It involves worship. We worship and adore God alone.
"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." -- Jesus, Matthew 11:28
Simply put, Adoration is a time for us to pray, to listen, and to be in the presence of Jesus. Give it a try. Bring your family. Time with God is never wasted.
Image Credit: ElectricDisk on flickr